Free Funds Online Webinars
Find out more about our free Funds Online webinars and the upcoming dates and times they take place.
Whether you are a new subscriber to Funds Online or a seasoned veteran, join DSC’s Funds Online expert George Knight for a 30 minute webinar exploring some tips and tricks to help get you access to the funding you need today.
These sessions will explore everything from completing a basic search to saving funds and search results. George will show you how to get Funds Online working for you, almost as if you had an additional fundraiser working in your team!
At this unique time, Funds Online can give you access to the grant-givers that will ensure you are able to not just survive but thrive.
There is a Q&A at the end of each session date, so please come prepared with your own questions about Funds Online.
Upcoming webinar dates – click for more information and to book