Management & leadership, Personal development

The benefits of keeping things in-house

How to get the most out of your staff, without even leaving the office.

Sending your staff on great training can be transformational. We hear all the time from people who have come to training courses at DSC, matched new ideas and information with their own experience and enthusiasm, and have made a huge difference to both themselves and their organisation when they get back to the office.

But sometimes, training and supporting individuals isn’t the right approach.

In-house training effectively gives you your own personal trainer (or team of trainers), so that you can effectively tackle whatever your organisation is facing, together.

There are lots of reasons to choose in-house training over our courses, but here are the ones that we hear the most often from the charities that we support:

1. “It’s tailored to what we really need”

With in-house you’re not buying “off the rack”, and can pick from a huge range of skill and topic areas to build a training course or programme that fits what you need exactly. Whatever the balance of new skills and information, or facilitated discussion and team working, you can create a learning experience that does exactly what you need it to.

2. “We can learn and grow together”

Going on training courses can be amazing (especially when they are as good as ours at DSC!), but it can sometimes be hard to get back to work, filled with new ideas, enthusiasm and ways of looking at the world – that your colleagues just aren’t seeing because they weren’t there too. The collective experience of training a whole team or group of colleagues can be transformational for leadership teams, boards of trustees, fundraising teams, and any other groups within your organisation that have shared goals.

3. “It’s the cheapest way to support our team”

We know that learning and development budgets can be the hardest to defend (if you even have one!), but if you have four or more members of staff that need support, in-house is usually the cheapest solution by far. Apart from a fixed rate that can reduce the cost per person , there are also no travel costs for staff members as we can do the training online! Once the world opens up again and restrictions begin to ease, if you have staff or volunteers in multiple places, we can deliver the same training to them as part of a structured programme.

We can also deliver anywhere, and at any time. They can also deliver pretty much any time of the day or night, so if weekends or evenings are most convenient (especially for trustees and other volunteers), that’s no problem!

4. “We can address challenges confidentially”

When you’re looking at training for your senior management or leadership team, confidentiality can be a major consideration. Conversations about leadership challenges, financial issues, or potential areas of development could all be things that might not be best discussed in the open space of a public course. Our trainers and facilitators can provide a safe and open space for the most confidential and strategic discussions to take place.

5. “It can make a long term impact”

Lastly, because in-house training can be tailored, cost effective and designed just for you, it’s easy to build a long-term development plan. Multiple training days can be scheduled over a period of weeks or months, and give progressive support as staff grow, develop, and implement what they have learned into their work.

Whether you have a small team in need of some development help, or hundreds of volunteers to train on new ways of working, give our in-house team a call and they will be able to advise on the best way to get what you need for your organisation.

Find out more about how we can help your organisation by calling our in-house team on 020 4526 5995 or email [email protected] and we’ll get back to you!



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