Direct and digital marketing, Fundraising, Marketing & communications

Key digital marketing considerations for charities in 2019

From establishing a strategy and website security, to keeping up with the advancements of social media, there are plenty of ways to kick start your fundraising with digital marketing.

Supporters are likely to have to make some tough choices this year. The following could help you acquire, retain and develop more of them! Here are five digital marketing considerations:

Is your website secure?

Make sure when they visit your website that it has SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in place and working effectively, to enable the encryption of data exchanges. Increasingly web browsers are flagging non-secure sites, and this can lead to a quick exit! Monitor your website bounce rate to track the numbers not advancing from their entry page.

Do you have a content marketing strategy?

Always a much talked about component of digital marketing, but really every charity should be developing their strategic approach, to stimulate and drive interest in what they do. Delivering content, such as videos, across social media, blogs and other platforms, that adds value by entertaining, educating and informing can help build your pool of potential supporters.

How engaging are your emails?

2018 was certainly a challenging year for email! Now we’ve survived the implementation of GDPR, it is time start improving how we communicate through this channel. More effective personalisation is potentially the key to increasing engagement. Beyond addressing recipients by name, what else can you do to make it more tailored to them?

Are you up to date with Facebook changes?

Organic reach has become more challenging, so you may have to consider paying to promote some of your posts to target audiences. This can be cost effective way to maximise posts that have already delivered a good level of engagement. Are you maximising the Facebook Fundraising and Donation tools?

Are you sharing success?

Whilst raising the profile of the beneficiary need is vital, make sure that you are effectively sharing and maximising your successes and the difference supporters are making… And don’t forget to thank them. Supporters want to feel valued and appreciated – digital channels can be perfectly placed to deliver this!

Want to find out more? Join Fundraising with Digital Marketing on 22 November.



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