Coronavirus weekly funding updates - 4-8 January

Friday 8 January

Volant Charitable Trust – Covid-19 Response Fund

A new round of funding of the trust’s Covid-19 Response Fund opened on the 1st January. Grants are available to UK charities that have a focus on alleviating social deprivation and helping vulnerable groups who have been particularly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Applications for medical equipment and PPE will also be accepted. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2021. Find out more.

Thursday 7 January

Covid Charity Fund – Northern Ireland

The £11.7 million Covid Charity Fund provides grants of up to £75,000 to charities in Northern Ireland. Financial support will be provided to charities who have lost income due to the impact of Covid-19 and will be unable to cover unavoidable costs until 31/03/2021. The deadline for applications is Friday 22 January at 4pm.

Wednesday 6 January

Hopkins Plunkett Communities Scheme

Grants of up to £1,000 are available to support new and established community businesses in Norfolk, Suffolk, rural Essex and Cambridgeshire. The fund will help people who want to establish and grow community owned and run businesses in their area. Funding is available until the end of March 2021 but the scheme may close before then if all the funding has been allocated. Find out more.

Tuesday 5 January

Covid-19 Equine Rescues Emergency Fund

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to small UK equine rescue organisations which have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The rescue and rehoming of equines should be the primary focus of applicant organisations. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2021. Find out more.

Monday 4 January

Government announces funding of £7.5 million to tackle loneliness

The Government has announced a £7.5 million funding package to help tackle loneliness this winter. The funding will help provide immediate and targeted relief to those most at risk of loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic. The funding will be distributed via Arts Council England, the Government Loneliness Fund, the Audio Content Fund and the Community Radio Fund. Find out more.

For information on 8,000 sources of funding giving a total of £8 billion, take a look at Funds Online.


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