Fundraising, Funding sources, COVID-19 support and advice

Coronavirus weekly funding updates - 7-9 April 2021

Thursday 8 April 2021

Sports England – Return to Play: Community Asset Fund

Capital grants of between £10,001 and £50,000 are available ‘to help clubs and community groups adapt and open places and spaces, so that sport and physical activity can happen during the pandemic’. Projects must address challenges caused by the pandemic and be linked to enabling people to return to play within six weeks of restrictions being lifted in your area. Highest priority will be given to areas of high deprivation, including rural areas. Other priorities include organisations with insufficient reserve funding available, and organisations working with BAME communities, people with long-term health conditions and people most affected by the pandemic. The fund will be paused to new applications from 5pm on Friday 30 April. Find more on eligibility and applications here.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Windrush Community Fund

Voice4Change England (V4CE) are pleased to announce the Windrush Community Fund. This fund is open to community and grassroots groups and organisations to bid for financial assistance from a £500,000 fund to help ensure that community groups can give support to those of the Windrush generation who may have faced difficulties in demonstrating their status or who may have suffered losses because of this. To find out more about the fund and to sign up for the Windrush Community Fund Information Event, click here.

Sustaining Support for Armed Forces Communities programme

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust has launched the Sustaining Support for Armed Forces Communities programme in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants of up to £100,000 are available for existing charitable projects to help charities to sustain activities and services that people from Armed Forces communities use and value. The programme has two tracks – the Project Funding Track provides grants for existing projects that are well used by people from Armed Forces communities; the Core Funding Track provides core funding to Armed Forces charities only. The closing date for round one applications is Friday 4 June 2021 and the closing date for round two applications is Thursday 9 September 2021. Visit the website for further information.


For information on 8,000 sources of funding giving a total of £8 billion, take a look at Funds Online.


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