Personal development

Report writing made easy

Find out a bit more about our report writing course

Writing reports that make a difference is easier – and more useful – than you think!

You want to help people and to make a difference.  You’re passionate about social change, but you can’t always get your ideas down on paper and that frustrates you.  So you put off writing your reports until the very last minute.  Then you rush to meet your deadline, only to find out that your arguments are all a little bit mixed up.  You know that people who write well manage to raise more funds than those who don’t.  You know that once their ideas are down on paper, good writers can influence other people to give even when they’re not around.  You want to be more like them but you don’t know how.  Well, you don’t need to worry any more.

This practical one-day course will teach you:

  • How to get started on a report in good time
  • How to focus your writing on your outcome
  • How to organise and structure your ideas so that your funders will understand why they are giving
  • How to influence and persuade funders in writing, and how to make your reports look and sound up to standard

No matter what kind of reports you write, you can learn how to give funders the right information they need at the right time to bring about the kind of social change you believe in.  So come on down to DSC and practise reporting in a safe and relaxed environment.  Come on down and find out that you’re not alone in meeting the challenges of raising money in writing for the benefit of others.  Come on down and find out just how easy report writing can be – and just how influential you can become – when you learn how to capture your own passion in your very own words.

Book onto the report writing course