In the news last week...

Weekly roundup of sector news from the DSC research team.

New minister for suicide prevention

World Mental Health day last week saw May appoint Jackie Doyle-Price as the World’s first ‘suicide prevention minister’. Controversially, Doyle-Price has a record for consistently voting in favour of harsh welfare and benefit policies, for example, regularly voting in favour of the ‘bedroom tax’; against raising welfare benefits, including for those who are unable to work due to an illness or disability; and almost always voted against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed.

Does it seems hypocritical to appoint someone who is favour of many of the policies that contribute to mental health issues? However, some good news is Samaritans received 1.8 million in funding (for over 4 years) and the suicide rate for men is at the lowest point it has been in 20 years.

Nearly two thirds of charities say core functions are under-resourced

Research published last week by Charity Finance magazine showed 63% of charities believe their core functions are under-resourced. Smaller charities reported having the biggest challenge. Some 81% of those with income below £500,000 said their core functions are under-funded, compared to 38% of £50m+ income charities. The other income bands ranged from 55-69% on this measure – read the full article here.