Help your funders...and yourselves!

Some of you will already be aware of how we’ve been working with funders to support organisations with our best training, publications, events and other support so that it’s free for you.

Lloyds Bank Foundation, Zurich Community Trust, Seafarers and many others have purchased subscriptions to Funds Online, places on our conferences or books for their grantees, making their funding go further, and the organisations they support stronger at no cost to themselves.

We’ve set up a Funders Hub on our website outlining what we’ve done already, and the different ways we can help funders to give more than money to support their grantees, in a way that’s really effective for them, free for you, and easy for us to deliver.

If you are a fundraiser and your funder isn’t aware of the opportunities to support you, why not tell them and point them towards the hub?

Just send your grant administrator or other contact the following (or something like it) and ask them to get in touch with us, we’ll take it from there!

Dear [Funder],

Directory of Social Change has been working with a growing number of funders to help their grantees to deal with the current challenges they are facing. They’ve developed a range of ways for funders to add to their financial support by also offering them access to DSC’s huge range of fundraising, funding, governance, leadership and other help.

They’ve already modelled this approach with Lloyds Foundation, Seafarers Charity and Barrow Cadbury, and created a special Funders Hub here outlining the different ways they can work to support grantees and beneficiaries.

Click here to visit the Funders Hub

If you think this is something that [Funder] would be interested in doing for current grantees, you can contact DSC at [email protected] or on 020 4526 5995.