Coronavirus weekly funding updates - 8-12 March 2021

Thursday 11 March

The Leathersellers’ Company

This small grants programme is providing one-off grants of up to £3,000 to UK charities that are supporting vulnerable people in areas of high deprivation. Applicants must have an annual income under £200,000 to be eligible. Applications are considered regularly at committee meetings, usually twice a month. Upcoming meetings are to be held on Tuesday 16 March and then Monday 12 April. For more information, please visit The Leathersellers’ Company’s website.

Wednesday 10 March

BBC Children in Need – support for UK based not-for-profit organisations

BBC Children in Need is offering support to UK based not-for-profit organisations through its main grants (£10,001 to £40,000) and small grants (under £10,000) programmes. Grants are available for up to three years to organisations supporting children and young people aged 18 and under, who are experiencing disadvantage through:

  • Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
  • Any kind of disability
  • Behavioural or psychological difficulties
  • Living in poverty or situations of deprivation

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, Children in Need has temporarily broadened the types of applications it accepts. Funding is currently available for project delivery, creative solutions to deliver much-needed services and organisational costs to support stability and adaptation.

To be considered, applicants must meet the minimum standards for grant-making which can be found on the website along with detailed guidelines. The deadline for both grant programmes is 11.30am, Monday 12 April, 2021. For more information on the grant programmes and details on how to apply, please visit the website.

Tuesday 9 March

Arnold Clark Community Fund

The fund is supporting UK registered charities and local community groups that are in need of financial support due to Covid-19. Each month until the end of May, 500 applications will be granted. If an application is unsuccessful one month, it will be rolled over and considered in the following month. The final date for applications is Monday 31 May, however applying earlier increases the chance of being successful. Application forms and more information is available from Arnold Clark’s website.

Monday 8 March

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales

Unrestricted grants of up to £50,000 are available to small and local charities working with people to overcome complex social issues across England and Wales. The social issues supported by the foundation are:

• Addiction or dependency on alcohol, drugs, and/or gambling
• Asylum seekers and refugees
• Care leavers
• Domestic and sexual abuse
• Homelessness/vulnerably housed
• Learning disabilities
• Mental health
• Offending, prison or community service
• Sexual exploitation
• Trafficking and modern slavery
• Young parents

There is no closing date for applications. The foundation aims to give applicants a decision within four months. Visit Lloyds Bank Foundation for further information.

For information on 8,000 sources of funding giving a total of £8 billion, take a look at Funds Online.