Marketing & communications

5 ways your charity can use LinkedIn

Advance your charity's mission with LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has become an engaging social media platform where more and more charity professionals spend their time. Once purely known as “the place to find a job”, due to the decline of Twitter, or should I say X, the charity community on LinkedIn is now thriving. 

Nowadays, it’s way more than just an online job board. With more than 1 billion users, it’s a professional channel that allows you to connect with others and use it in a way that works best for you and your organisation. 

There are many benefits of using this particular social media channel, but the trick is knowing what it has to offer. To help you make a difference, here are five ways you can use LinkedIn to extend your reach and make a difference: 

1. Marketing and communications 

Although this is fairly obvious, you’d be surprised at how much people are now engaging with content on LinkedIn. It’s a great platform for:   

  • Telling stories 
  • Raising awareness of your work 
  • Promoting a recent campaign  
  • Sharing important announcements 

Compared to other social media channels, LinkedIn has good organic reach and engagement, which means that you don’t necessarily need to boost your posts to reach your audience.  

Moreover, your posts can last longer on the feed compared to other channels – you may notice getting new likes and comments even 4 days after sharing a post. 

2. Relationship building 

LinkedIn is the best channel for virtual networking. You can easily start a conversation with those you are connected to or you can even expand the network using the platform’s database. 

For example, you can connect with old colleagues, people working in similar roles, or other professionals you want to learn from. Think of it as a networking event where you get to choose who you want to talk to. 

3. Engaging with partners 

LinkedIn is a useful platform for charities to connect and engage with their partners.  

By actively participating in discussions, sharing updates, and fostering relationships within your network, you can strengthen existing partnerships and potentially uncover new collaborative opportunities. 

Some ways to engage with partners on LinkedIn include: 

  • Tagging partner organisations in relevant posts to keep them informed and acknowledge their contributions. 
  • Sharing success stories or case studies that highlight the impact of joint initiatives or projects. 
  • Commenting on partners’ updates to demonstrate your support and maintain an active presence. 
  • Joining and participating in industry-specific groups where partners are likely to be active.

4. Sector collaboration  

LinkedIn may not feel like Twitter in the good old days, but you can still use it to connect with others in the charity sector. 

Here are some ways to leverage LinkedIn for sector collaboration: 

  • Follow thought leaders, influencers, and organisations within your sector to stay updated on the latest trends, challenges, and successes. 
  • Join relevant groups and actively participate in discussions, sharing your insights and learning from others. 
  • Engage with content shared by sector peers, offering your perspective and starting meaningful conversations. 
  • Reach out to professionals working in similar roles or organisations to connect, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations. 
  • Attend or participate in virtual events, webinars, or panel discussions hosted by sector-specific organisations or groups. 

5. Fundraising

LinkedIn may not be the primary platform for direct fundraising efforts, but it can still play a useful role in supporting your charity’s fundraising initiatives.  

Here are some ways to leverage LinkedIn for fundraising: 

  • Share updates and success stories from past fundraising campaigns, highlighting the impact your supporters have made. 
  • Promote upcoming fundraising events or initiatives, encouraging your network to participate, donate, or spread the word. 
  • Build a pipeline of potential partners by using LinkedIn’s database 
  • Connect with potential donors, corporate partners, or sponsors, nurturing relationships that could lead to future support. 
  • Showcase the work of your charity and the causes you support, inspiring others to get involved and contribute to your mission. 
  • Engage with your existing donors and supporters, acknowledging their contributions and fostering a sense of community around your cause. 

It’s important to strike a balance and avoid overly promotional or aggressive fundraising tactics on LinkedIn.  

Instead, focus on building relationships, sharing compelling stories, and demonstrating the impact of your work, which can ultimately lead to increased support and donations. 

Tereza Litsa is a freelance marketing strategist and social media trainer working with nonprofits and purpose-driven brands. Tereza is helping organisations make the most of LinkedIn for marketing and fundraising – from campaign strategy to creating a plan to engage corporate donors as a team. 

To find out more about LinkedIn for charities, register for DSC’s upcoming conference The Ultimate Guide to Marketing your Charity, where Tereza will be be running a session. Register here. 

For more questions, you can connect with Tereza on LinkedIn